
Congratulations! Becoming a parent can be one of the most rewarding experiences in one’s life. Our team wants to ensure that your baby stays in excellent health and maintains a lifetime of happiness.

Making pediatrics a breeze for you and your little ones.

The first few weeks of the baby’s life will be primarily focused on mom’s recovery, making sure the baby is well fed, and building day and night time routines. Every baby is different, so these processes require trial and error, effort, and guidance from professionals. Newborn appointments at our office during the first and second week of the baby’s life allow us to help you establish these routines and lay the groundwork for a fantastic childhood.

The Guidance You're Looking For

Click here for a copy of our Newborn Handbook. This book will guide you through various aspects of newborn parenting, including breastfeeding and formula feeding, body care for the baby, germ protection, getting sleep, and common issues to watch out for.

Research shows that one in nine women experiences postpartum depression. It is vital that new mothers are screened in order to ensure that, should one suffer from maternal postpartum depression, it is treated in the appropriate manner. Make sure to reach out to your obstetrician or primary care provider should you experience symptoms of postpartum depression.

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